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Artificial Hockey Pitch Maintenance

Artificial Hockey Pitch Maintenance

There is not much difference between the way you maintain your car and hockey pitch. If a vehicle is not serviced on time, it can cost you a lot and will result in the reduction of its life span. If the maintenance of the hockey pitch is neglected, it can result in damaging the surface, and it will lose its playability. Replacing the court’s surface to its initial appearance could put a dent in your pocket.

By continually maintaining the hockey pitch, this will make sure that it can also accommodate massive hockey tournaments. Other than that, it helps in keeping the carpet pile to be upstanding along with separating the infill to be clean and draining properly. This site provides extensive more information on the main topics artificial grass maintenance companies.

Why Is Maintenance Advisable?

Maintenance also makes sure the correct level of the infill. In case the artificial grass is poorly maintained, it can take water, rendering it waterlogged and spongy. If the drainage system is flawed, then it can result in the contamination of the surface producing algal bloom.

The algal bloom hinders the play on the surface and makes it slippery. To achieve a spectacular surface, some activities such as drag brushing, moss, plus algal chemical treatments, coupled with general cleaning should be embraced. Daily examination is recommended, and any repair work should never be postponed. We will be discussing the tips to maintain the synthetic grass in the hockey pitch.

Guidelines For Maintenance

Try the below-mentioned tips to maintain the artificial grass in your hockey pitch:

Machinery And Techniques

There have been cutting-edge strides in the design, development, and maintenance of artificial grass surfaces. Such advancements touch on state-of-the-art machinery and methods such as chemical spraying equipment, demountable systems, plus up-to-date drag brushing gear. With this equipment comes effortless grass maintenance.

Flattened Grass

The grass often looks dull and flattened because of its frequent use. It should get better and in place, once the game is over. For excellent maintenance, sweeping it with a stiff-bristled broom till the grass retains its usual perky shape is advisable.

Prevent Deterioration

Artificial grass is a product of synthetic material, and it can get damaged by frequent use of sprays. Removal of algal blooms involves spraying the grass with abrasive acids and chemicals. It is plastic-made, meaning spraying it with acid and alcohol dulls it and makes it lose its beauty. Fire damage is also a possibility. To avoid damaging the grass, you can use vinegar, bleach, or another active cleaning agent.

Shock Absorption Layer

Irrespective of how similar they appear, synthetic grass and natural grass are worlds apart. To make the synthetic grass feel like the natural ones, a shock absorption layer is added on to it, which makes it soft and easy to walk on. Nevertheless, as time passes, the grass grows unyielding and coarse, and this is the opportune moment to introduce a fresh shock absorption layer.

Repairing And Joining

After a lot of use, tearing and separation is inevitable, and this makes the grass look unkempt. By using quick and easy in-between’ service processes, you can repair and join the tears and get it in shape on time. But it is necessary to keep checking every month.

Maintaining The Infill

There are different types of infills that are available. Some infills are synthetic, and others are organic. What sets them apart is the replacement process. Other issues that can necessitate removing infill from the grass include rain and strong winds. This is a clear indication that rain also regulates the rate of the maintenance. Therefore, putting all elements into consideration will ease the infill replacement procedure.


Watching a hockey match on the greenfield is a memorable and incredible experience. There are a lot of efforts that are invested in making it look like that, Perfect. With the tips shared above, you can easily reach your cleaning and maintaining goals regarding artificial grass.

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